Sweets, treats, chocolates, and drinks! All the best gluten free indulgences for Valentine’s day. Don’t feel left out because you’re gluten free. There are plenty of good eats(and drinks) to keep you in the mood for love on this day.
One of my favorite places in DC is Rise Gluten Free Bakery Rise Bakery (riseglutenfree.com) A great supporter of local causes like the Lupus Foundation and many others. Every year I treat myself to a few red velvet cupcakes from here and this year I found out about their gluten free Red Velvet Bundt Cake. If it’s anything like the cupcakes this is one of the sweetest things you can give someone gluten free.

Rise Bakery DC
If you’re ever in DC check them out!
What’s sweeter than candy? If you need a little something for the kids without the worry of gluten contamination try Smarties. The school house candy we all used to look forward to during Valentine pass outs. One of the best gluten free candy for kids.
Now I have a sweet tooth. A really bad one. Growing up I ate pretty much popcorn, cookies, and candy bars. Not because I didn’t have one of the greatest cooking families in all of Georgia but my sweet tooth is scandalous.
As I switched to being gluten free, I realized in all of the label reading that all chocolate is not equal and definitely not gluten free. But one that I could keep handy in the candy bowl is Three Musketeers.
One of my favorite indulgences any time of year is Chocovine’s Dutch Chocolate Wine.

Chocovine is a great dessert wine that comes in Dutch Chocolate, Raspberry, and Pumpkin Spice flavors. I enjoy it a lot since it is a Cabernet.
So whether you are gluten free or shopping for someone who is, there is no reason to not give them the Valentine’s they deserve.
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