Chew on This: Hot Fudge Sundae Cupcake by Anointed Creations https://www.anointedcre-ate-ions.com/

Everyone knows my affection for chocolate and desserts. Some of my favorite place to try are small bakeshops and homemade bakers. My husband, Al let a local cook, Natasha Spears, owner of Anointed Creations by Tasha, know that I like chocolate and cherries and she came up with a Hot fudge sundae cupcake. And let me tell you, WOW!
Texture: Moist and very soft
Taste: All the things you like about a hot fudge sundae are there. When heated just right, the chocolate oozes and the buttercream icing is sweet and light.
Appearance: It has a cherry on top 🙂

Ingredients: The cupcake is gluten free but of course the buttercream has milk so the icing is a no-go for dairy free folks.
If you are interested in having Natasha Spears cater for you, she can be reached at: https://www.anointedcre-ate-ions.com/ Natasha Spears, Owner. 240-899-4581. anointedcreationsbytasha@gmail.com