As another one of my daughter’s surprises when she knows I am struggling to find decent gluten-free snacks, I went to the door the other day and received an Amazon package I hadn’t ordered. She was already at work and so I was really confused what this could be.

Little did I know, she had found a great little gift box that is normally stocked full of great junk food for college kids, but this one was full of items that I could snack on and not worry about them being gluten free.

The box was jam packed with items. There is a nice selection of things to choose from like, trail mix(which I loved), and gummy bears. I have never liked kind bars but there was a dark chocolate one I tried since I’m the only one who eats dark chocolate in my house and it was amazing. So it was nice to try something new that I never had before.

This was the more risky items for me. I love popcorn but I wasn’t a fan of much else in the salty category. The popcorners really were like an artificial air snack with little flavor and who eats vegetables for snacks! (only kidding) If I was health conscious this would be a decent selection of items to give me just enough salty to satiate that need.

I’ve seen this popcorn around but never tried it before. But this is now my new favorite bagged popcorn. Good flavor and just salty enough.
Overall I can see why these type gift boxes would be a hit with college kids. It would be great if they had test boxes with new product every month for us to try.
Ever received a SnackBOX before?? Tell me what you liked most!